Bitcoin Suisse Invest
10 years of market experience translated into investment grade methodologies. Investment ideas are developed in-house at Bitcoin Suisse. Benchmark your portfolio performance using Bitcoin Suisse smart selection methods.
1Valour STOXX Bitcoin Suisse Digital Asset Blue Chip ETP
DeFi Technologies’ Wholly-Owned Subsidiary Valour Inc., Bitcoin Suisse AG, and STOXX launch the 1Valour STOXX Bitcoin Suisse Digital Asset Blue Chip ETP (BCIX). BCIX is uniquely structured to track the performance of the STOXX Digital Asset Blue Chip X Index. This index offers exposure to leading assets within the broader STOXX Digital Asset Blue Chip Index, specifically those trading on Xetra. The ETP employs a rule-based passive index methodology, meticulously designed to encompass a comprehensive spectrum of the cryptocurrency market.
Bitcoin Suisse Global Crypto Taxonomy
Designed and developed by Bitcoin Suisse Research, the Global Crypto Taxonomy is the cornerstone of Bitcoin Suisse’s investment focus business line. Geared towards financial service providers in crypto and traditional finance, the Taxonomy aims to be the first product-capable instrument of its kind. As a professional tool for investment managers, assets in various sectors with sufficient liquidity and market capitalization may be structured to produce well diversified, high-quality investment products based on the rigorous methodology and framework of the Taxonomy.
Bitcoin Suisse Research
Bitcoin Suisse provides its clients and interested readers with insights on trends and developments in digital asset trends. We provide an in-depth look at selected topics ranging from around the world.
Decrypting emerging blockchain native trends and narratives with a microscope on fundamentals and what it actually means.
Investment Navigator
Navigate digital assets using the Bitcoin Suisse Investment Navigator. Follow themes and trends of the market for digital assets.
Crypto & Marco
Unwind the relationship between digital assets and the World economy using the quarterly Crypto & Macro release by Bitcoin Suisse Research.